(2019.10.19 Celebration Party for Prof. Matsubara's 60th Birthday)
Our publication (Chem. Commun.2020, 56, 12335.) contributed by Mr. Murata (M2) and Dr. Matsumoto (alumnus) has been highlighted in Synfacts. (2020.10.20)
Mr. Ryuichi Murata (M1) has been awarded Poster Prize at 4th International Symposium on Precisely Designed Catalysts with Customized Scaffolding. Congrats! (2019.12.5)
Our publication (Eur. J. Org. Chem.2020, 7131.) contributed by Mr. Nagano (D1), Mr. Einaru (alumnus), and Mr. Shitamichi (alumnus) has been selected as the Front Cover. (2020.11.6)