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(2019.10.19  Celebration Party for Prof. Matsubara's 60th Birthday)



Our publication (Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 12335.) contributed by Mr. Murata (M2) and Dr. Matsumoto (alumnus) has been highlighted in Synfacts. (2020.10.20)

Our publication (Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 12335.) contributed by Mr. Murata (M2) and Dr. Matsumoto (alumnus) has been selected as the inside back cover. (2020.10.15)

Ms. Betemariam Sharew (Smith College, the United States) has returned to the United States.


Ms. Betemariam Sharew (Smith College, the United States) has joined the Group

as an Amgen Scholar. (2019.6.12)

Dr. Akira Matsumoto (alumnus) has been awarded CSJ Student Presentation Award 2019

at the 99th CSJ Annual Meeting.  Congrats! (2019.4.22)

Our publication (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 13863.) contributed by Mr. Einaru

(alumnus), Mr. Shitamichi (alumnus), Mr. Nagano (M1), and Mr. Matsumoto (D3)

has been highlighted in Synfacts. (2019.1.28)

Prof. Asano will be awarded The 68th The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists.  Congrats! (2019.1.9)

Dr. Thibaud Mabit has joined the Group as a postdoctoral fellow. (2018.11.16)

Mr. Toshifumi Takahashi (D1) has been awarded Poster Presentation Award

at the 65th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan.  Congrats! (2018.10.12)

Mr. Akira Matsumoto (D3) has been awarded Heterocycles Award (Student Presentation

Award) at the 48th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry.  Congrats! (2018.9.10)

Mr. Tagui Nagano (M1) has been awarded Poster Presentation Award

at the 38th Synthetic Organic Seminar for Young Chemists.  Congrats! (2018.8.7)

Ms. Gone Yi Thaw Maung (University of Mandalay, Myanmar) has returned to Myanmar.


Ms. Gone Yi Thaw Maung (University of Mandalay, Myanmar) has joined the Group

as an Amgen Scholar. (2018.6.13)

Ms. Yumi Kato (M2) has been awarded Poster Presentation Award

at the 113th Synthetic Organic Symposium.  Congrats! (2018.6.7)

Our recent research progress (Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 1397.) has been highlighted

in Newspapers (Nikkei Shinbun & Kagaku Kogyo Nippo). (2017.11.14)

A press release has been posted on our recent research progress

(Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 1397.) to Kyoto University website. (2017.11.14)

Ms. Yumi Kato (M1) has been awarded Poster Presentation Award

at the 64th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan.  Congrats! (2017.9.27)

Our publication (Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 3335.) contributed by Ms. Shimada (alumnus) and

Mr. Ikeda (alumnus) has been highlighted in Synfacts. (2017.9.12)

Ms. Valentina Uribe Jaramillo (El Bosque University, Colombia) has returned to Colombia.


Ms. Valentina Uribe Jaramillo (El Bosque University, Colombia) has joined the Group

as an Amgen Scholar. (2017.7.3)

Our publication (Chem.—Eur. J. 2017, 23, 9996.) contributed by Dr. Miyaji (alumnus) has been selected as the Inside Cover. (2017.6.2)

We held a celebration party for Prof. Matsubara's CSJ Award for Creative Work

during the 97th CSJ Annual Meeting. (2017.3.18)

Prof. Matsubara will be awarded The 34th The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work.  Congrats! (2017.1.17)

Ms. Yukako Shimada (M2) has been awarded Poster Presentation Award

at the 63rd Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Japan.  Congrats! (2016.10.8)

Ms. Katharina Wenz (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany) has returned to

Germany. (2016.8.19)

Mr. Akira Matsumoto (D1) has been awarded Poster Presentation Award

at the 36th Synthetic Organic Seminar for Young Chemists.  Congrats! (2016.8.9)

Ms. Katharina Wenz (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany) has joined the Group

as a visiting student. (2016.6.22)

Dr. Yukihiro Fukata (alumnus) has been awarded CSJ Student Presentation Award 2016

at the 96th CSJ Annual Meeting.  Congrats! (2016.5.13)

Our publication (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 15497.) contributed by Mr. Yoneda

(alumnus) and Mr. Fukata (D3) has been highlighted in Synfacts. (2016.1.13)

Mr. Yukihiro Fukata (D3) has been awarded Heterocycles Award (Student Presentation

Award) at the 45th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry.  Congrats! (2015.11.21)

Mr. Shunsuke Einaru (M1) has been awarded CSJ Poster Presentation Award 2015 for Excellent Research at the 5th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2015.  Congrats! (2015.11.12)

Our publication (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 5320.) contributed by Mr. Fukata (D3) has been highlighted in J. Synth. Org. Chem., Jpn.. (2015.11)

We held a celebration to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Matsubara Group.


The website was redesigned. (2015.9.26)

Mr. Kazuki Maeda (D1) has been awarded CSJ Poster Presentation Award 2017 for

Excellent Research at the 7th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2017.  Congrats! (2017.11.17)

Our publication (Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 1397.) contributed by Mr. Yoneda (alumnus),

Ms. Fujii (alumnus), and Mr. Matsumoto (D2) has been highlighted in Synform. (2018.1.12)

Our publication (Chem.—Asian J. 2019, 14, 116.) contributed by Mr. Matsumoto (D3) has been selected as the Cover Feature. (2018.12.17)

Mr. Ryuichi Murata (M1) has been awarded Yoshida Bachelor's Thesis Award 2019

from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University.  Congrats! (2019.6.26)

Dr. Thibaud Mabit has returned to France. (2019.9.15)

Mr. Ryuichi Murata (M1) has been awarded CSJ Poster Presentation Award 2019 for

Excellent Research at the 9th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2019.  Congrats! (2019.11.20)

Mr. Ryuichi Murata (M1) has been awarded Poster Prize at International Joint Symposium on

Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ISONIS-12/ISMMS-5/ICAMS-2/ICSFC).  Congrats! (2019.11.23)

Mr. Ryuichi Murata (M1) has been awarded Poster Prize at 4th International Symposium on Precisely Designed Catalysts with Customized Scaffolding.  Congrats! (2019.12.5)

Prof. Asano will be awarded The 12th Inoue Science Research Award.  Congrats! (2019.12.12)

Prof. Asano will be awarded Thieme Chemistry Journals Award 2020.  Congrats! (2019.12.20)

Mr. Tagui Nagano (D1) has been awarded Mazume Research Encouragement Award 2020
from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University.  Congrats! (2020.10.16)

Our publication (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2020, 7131.) contributed by Mr. Nagano (D1), Mr. Einaru (alumnus), and Mr. Shitamichi (alumnus) has been selected as the Front Cover. (2020.11.6)

Prof. Asano has been awarded The 10th JACI Prize for Encouraging Young Researcher.  Congrats! (2021.6.10)

Mr. Ryuichi Murata (D1) has been awarded Mazume Research Encouragement Award 2021
from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University.  Congrats! (2021.7.7)

Mr. Tagui Nagano (D2) has been awarded Chemistry Letters Young Researcher Award (Student PresentationAward) at the 50th Congress of Heterocyclic Chemistry.  Congrats! (2021.10.18)

Prof. Kurahashi has moved to Kwansei Gakuin University as a full professor. (2022.4.1)

Prof. Asano has moved to Hokkaido University as an associate professor. (2022.5.1)

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